journal papers
Paolo Bottoni, Andrew Fish, Alexander Heußner,
F. Parisi Presicce: Resource-aware Policies, in Journal of
Visual Languages and Computation, 2016 (accepted, to be
DOI: 10.1016/j.jvlc.2016.10.004
Gilles Geeraerts, Alexander Heußner, M.
Praveen, Jean-François Raskin: ω-Petri nets: algorithms and
complexity, in Fundamenta Informaticae, volume 137(1),
pp.29–60, 2015
Gilles Geeraerts, Alexander Heußner,
Jean-François Raskin: On the Verification of Concurrent,
Asynchronous Programs with Waiting Queues, in ACM Transactions
on Embedded Computing, volume 14(3), 2015.
Alexander Heußner, Jérome Leroux, Anca
Muscholl, Grégoire Sutre: Reachability Analysis of Communicating
Pushdown Automata, in Logical Methods in Computer Science,
volume 8(3), 2012
conference & workshop proceeding papers
Claudio Corrodi, Alexander Heußner, Christopher
M. Poskitt: A Graph-based Semantics Workbench for Concurrent
Asynchronous Programs, in Proceedings of Fundamental Approches
to Software Engineering (FASE) 2016, in LNCS 9633, pp.31–48,
Springer 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-49665-7_3
Alexander Heußner, Christopher M. Poskitt,
Claudio Corrodi, and Benjamin Morandi: Towards Practical
Graph-Based Verification for an Object-Oriented Concurrency
Model, in Proceedings of Graphs as Models 2015, in EPTCS volume
181, pp.32–47, 2015. DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.181.3
(Link to
online version)
Paolo Bottoni, Andrew Fish, Alexander Heußner:
Annotating Spiders with Resource Information, in Proceedings
of VL/HCC 2014, pp.33–40; IEEE 2014. DOI: 10.1109/VLHCC.2014.6883018
Paolo Bottoni, Andrew Fish, Alexander Heußner:
Coloured Modelling Spider Diagrams (poster abstract) in
Proceedings of Diagrams 2014, LNCS 8578, pp.45–47, Springer 2014.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-44043-8_6
Alexander Heußner, Alexander Kartzow:
Reachability in Higher-Order-Counters, in Proceedings of
MFCS 2013, LNCS 8087, pp.528–539, Springer 2013. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40313-2_47
Gilles Geeraerts, Alexander Heußner,
Jean-François Raskin: Queue-Dispatch Asynchronous Systems,
in Proceedings of ACSD 2013, pp.150–159, IEEE, 2013
Gilles Geeraerts, Alexander Heußner, M.
Praveen, Jean-François Raskin: ω-Petri nets, in Proceedings
of Petri nets 2013, LNCS 7927, pp.49–69, Springer 2013
Alexander Heußner, Tristan Le Gall, Grégoire
Sutre: Safety Verification of One-Counter Machines, in
Proceedings of FSTTCS 2012, in LIPIcs volume (18), pp.224–235,
Alexander Heußner: Model Checking,
Communicating Processes, Run Graphs, Graph Grammars, and MSO,
in Electronic
Communications of the EASST, Volume 47, 2012
Alexander Heußner: Verifying Web Services
over Unbounded, Reliable Channels (short paper), in
Supplementary Proceedings of AVOCS 2012, Universität Bamberg,
Research Report, 2012
Alexander Heußner, Tristan Le Gall, Grégoire
Sutre: McScM : A Framework for Verifying Communicating
Processes (tool paper), in Proc. of TACAS 2012, LNCS 7214,
pp.478–484, Springer 2012
Alexander Heußner: Run Graphs of
Communicating Processes and MSO, in Proc. of CONCUR Young
Researchers Workshop 2010, Vol.2, pp.75–78, 2010
Alexander Heußner, Jérome Leroux, Anca
Muscholl, Grégoire Sutre: Reachability Analysis of Communicating
Pushdown Automata, in Proc. of FOSSACS 2010, LNCS 6014,
pp.267–281, Springer 2010
Alexander Heußner, Jérome Leroux, Anca Muscholl, Grégoire Sutre: Reachability Analysis of Communicating Networks with Pushdowns, in Actes des deuxièmes journées nationales du Groupement De Recherche CNRS du Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel, Pau 2010, pp.105–107, CNRS, 2007
Alexander Heußner, Tristan Le Gall, Grégoire
Sutre: Extrapolation-based Path Invariants for Abstraction
Refinement of Fifo Systems, in Proc. 16th Int. SPIN Workshop on
Model Checking Software (SPIN 2009), LNCS 5578, pp. 107–124,
Springer 2009
Alexander Heußner: CEGAR for Communicating
FIFO Machines, Proceedings of MEMICS Workshop 2008 Znojmo,
2008, pp. 68–75
Alexander Heußner: Conceptual Graphs with
Relations and Roles — A GFO-coined view onto CG relations,
Supplementary Proceedings of ICCS 2008 Toulouse, 2008, pp.
(see Diploma thesis
for a more general embedding)
Alexander Heußner: Abstracting Socket-based,
Distributed, Communicating Processes — Applying CFMs and MSCs to
TCP/IP based Applications, Proceedings of MOVEP 2008, pp.
conference & workshop proceedings (editor)
Alexander Heußner, Aleks Kissinger, Anton Wijs:
Proceedings Second Graphs as Models Workshop, in EPTCS 213.
DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.231
Claudio Corrodi, Alexander Heußner, Christopher M. Poskitt: A Graph-Based Semantics Workbench for Concurrent Asynchronous Programs, March 2016,
Alexander Heußner, Alexander Kartzow: Reachability in Higher-Order-Counters, June 2013,
Gilles Geeraerts, Alexander Heußner, M. Praveen, Jean-François Raskin: ω-Petri nets, January 2013,
Gilles Geeraerts, Alexander Heußner, Jean-François Raskin: Queue-Dispatch Asynchronous Systems, January 2012 (updated April 2012),
Alexander Heußner, Jérome Leroux, Anca Muscholl, Grégoire Sutre: Reachability Analysis of Communicating Pushdown Automata, January 2010,
Alexander Heußner "Model Extraction for Sockets-based Distributed Programs", October 2009,
Alexander Heußner, Tristan Le Gall, Grégoire
Sutre: "Extrapolation-based Path Invariants for Abstraction
Refinement of Fifo Systems", LaBRI Rapport de Recherche
RR-1459-09, Mai 2009
Alexander Heußner "Vers la vérification de
propriétés de sûreté pour des systèmes infinis communicants :
décidabilité & raffinement des abstractions" (transl.:
Towards the verfication of safety properties for infinite
communicating systems: decidability and abstraction refinement;
written language is English), PhD thesis, Université de Bordeaux,
June 2011
Alexander Heußner "Semantic Foundation of Diagrammatic Modelling Languages — Applying the Pictorial Turn to Conceptual Modelling", Diploma thesis / Diplomarbeit, Universität Leipzig, 2007
Alexander Heußner & Chris Poskitt A
Graph-Based Semantics Workbench for Concurrent Asynchronous
Programs, presentation slides from Dagstuhl seminar
"Verification of evolving graph structures", Nov. 2015
Paolo Bottoni, Andrew Fish, Alexander Heußner,
F. Parisi Presicce Spider Diagrams for Policy Modelling,
poster presented at Diagrams 2014
Alexander Heußner & Alexander Kartzow Reachability in Higher Level Counters, MFCS presentation slides, Jul. 2013
Alexander Heußner et al. Safety Verification of Communicating One-Counter Machines, FSTTCS presentation slides, Dec. 2012
Alexander Heußner Model Checking Communicating Processes: Run Graphs, Graph Grammars & MSO, GT-VMT presentation slides, March 2012
Alexander Heußner et al. The McScM
TACAS tool presentation slides (static version), March 2012
Alexander Heußner Introduction to
Existential Graphs: A first-order diagrammatical logic
presentation slides, Nov. 2011
Alexander Heußner Verification of Run Graphs
(Some Preliminary Results)
presentation slides used at CONCUR-YR Workshop, Sept. 2010
Alexander Heußner How I stopped worrying and
love Static Typing — Approaching OCaml from a Python Programmer's
Perspective, presentation at RMLL 2010, July 2010
(PDF on right is only static excerpt (attention: >21MB), see
complete, low-res, dynamic version here)
Alexander Heußner et al. Reachability
Analysis of Communicating Pushdown Systems,
presentation slides used at FOSSACS, March 2010
Alexander Heußner Of Conceptualization,
Crises, Crayons, and Creativity,
communication proposal, 2009
Alexander Heußner et al. Extrapolation based
Path Inviariants for Abstraction Refinement,
presentation slides used at SPIN, June 2009